Wednesday 10 December 2008

College Dropout.

We all the knew it was going to happen sooner or later but after a year and 3 months i finally dropped out of college. Its not really a big deal like people are making out though to be honest. I'll just go back to college next year, yeah i suppose ive wasted some time but who cares. All it means now is that when the first years turn up on my new course next year, if i don't tell them im a few years older than them, i can just pretend im an old looking 16 year old. This is a strategy that could be used to pick up babes however knowing me they'll probably be some 16 year old boys that will look older than my, then to be, 19 year old self anyway. If that occurs ill simply wear a comedy pair of glasses and moustache, sit at the back of the class and perve. Thats right. Perve.

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