Bit of a strange request for you now. My brothers in a band and theyre doing pretty well for themselves, some of you may have seen them play, others i know have been to see them but may just remember the inside of a pint glass. Anyhow they got through the regional finals of the Live and Unsigned contest and are playing on 7th March at Fernham Hall, Fareham. They need to sell a minimum of 25 tickets for this gig to be able to play and the aim of this is to see exactly how much support they have. Tickets are 6 quid and as its in Fareham most of their teeny bopper supporters will have spent their money on choccie bars, sherbet and those playing cards you can buy when you go on holiday that have pictures of naked women on them. This means they're struggling to sell as many tickets as possible so im asking you lot for some support. Its a daytime gig and they're only playing 2 songs however there are other bands playing so is not going to be a pointless venture. He assures me that theres a bar so that must be an incentive for some of you. Either ask me for a ticket on Facebook or get one off them through their myspace. Get involved.
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