Thursday, 4 June 2009
Slammers & Hammers Vol 2.
Slammers & Hammers Vol 2 is now up, have a look for another insight into the life of Jon.
Monday, 25 May 2009
Midnight Embassy.
You may have remembered me going on about my brothers band hitting up the Live & Unsigned competiton. If any of you are interested in what they sound like heres a video from the day.
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Friday, 22 May 2009
Saturday, 16 May 2009
As some of you know my brothers band recently got through to the semi finals of Live & Unsigned competition. Unfortunately at the latest heat in Aldershot they didn't make it through to the National final HOWEVER they still can make it through on a wildcard entry. All you people have to do is text 'wildcard136' to 84222. itll cost you a quid but its well worth it, get involed and and do your bit!
Listen to some of their music here.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Monday, 11 May 2009
Yeah Magazine.

You may have seen me plug these guys before on here but Yeah Magazine just dropped their second issue, hit up their
website here to get invovled with the next issue or to purchase yourself a copy. Its a really good issue with some great articles and photos, theres even some of my work in there as well. Its well worth the £2.45 (including p&p) you'd otherwise waste on shit all.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Karma 2.
After posting up Ian's video the other day it seems karma decided to come after me. Lack of concentration whilst skateboarding meant i tweaked my ankle leaving me with severe tendon and tissue damage, on crutches and in need of urgent physio for the next 6 months. I may just pack skateboarding in all together and get rad like this guy.
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Skatepark Jam.
If you click over to Jons Slammers And Hammers blog you'll see his write up from the other days skateboard jam at Southsea Skatepark. With plenty of faces in attendance, a a sprinkle of magic from Mr Keys and a healthy dose of summer sun it made it a really good day, i even walked away with a t-shirt. Big thanks to Cody for sorting the whole thing out,see you all at the next one!
Monday, 4 May 2009
Underage Festival.
Bit of a favour to ask as usual regarding anything to do with my brothers band! If you click here, register then leave a nice comment and rating on their song itd help them out alot!
Emsworth 06 - 09.
Heres an edit Max knocked up containing most of the footage we've filmed at Emsworth between 2006 - 2009. Enjoy.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Feel The Love.
Monday, 27 April 2009
King Of S.K.A.T.E
Apparently this went down pretty well when they did a snowboard version, looks interesting. Click Here to check it out.
Friday, 24 April 2009
Heres some footage that Max over at Fiasco filmed yesterday at Emsworth. I've realised i don't actually skate properly anymore, i just ruin boards and do what i can on them. Watch everyone else kill it.
This website is amazing, basically you just talk to strangers annonymously over the internet. Dickie, Tom and friends are using it purely to get a lol, for example..
Stranger: horny girl?
You: better
You: horny boy
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: hola
Stranger: from...
You: the unemployment line
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: horny girl?
You: better
You: horny boy
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: hola
Stranger: from...
You: the unemployment line
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Monday, 20 April 2009
Portsmouth Stand Up.
More Skateboarding >>
Props to Jak Tonge who is now on the Drawing Boards team. His part in the 6:57 video is going to go off, keep your eyes peeled.
Chris Cole.
I've got no reason to moan when i have to skate something other than an 8 inch deck now, recognize.
Number 1.
As predicted the 6:57 boys won every category for their Something For The Weekend edit incluuding, best team, best edit and best trick for Adams hardflip.Well done i think everybody, including myself, is looking forwrard to the video even more now!
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Something For The Weekend.
More Skateboarding >>
Heres the 6:57 entry for Reskues Something For The Weekend competition. Its ridiculous, they should definitely win the majority of the categories. Due to my late updates the polls to vote for them are closed but you need to have a watch anyway.
Bolwells Birthday.
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Camping turned out rad with alot more people turning up than expected. Click here to see some of the pictures. There should be more up when Max returns from the 'slightly weaker than planned' Skegness mission.
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
What Makes Us Tick.
Here is Max's final trailer for his video, What Makes Us Tick. I can't wait to see the finished piece.
Friday, 3 April 2009
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Reading Festival 2009.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Heres some proof that i do still skate, im not saying anything about the quality of the content.
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Friday, 27 March 2009
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Fight Club.
After a few too many beers Dan and Max get a little worked up. The best bit is 50 seconds in..
Arundel Saturday 4th/Sunday 5th.
Every year we always go camping in Arundel, with the weather getting better we've decided to do it again on Saturday 4th April. Get all the details over at the facebook group.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Charge Bikes.
I've been looking into get a bike for a while and with summer on its way now seems like the perfect time. Theres some really nice ready to ride completes over at I've particularly got my eye on these two..

Sunday, 22 March 2009
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Fiasco Skateboarding.
With the help of Charlie, Max has got his new website/blog up.Theres loads of stuff on there, to take a look click here. Stoked on my link image!
Spitfire Love.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Friday, 13 March 2009
Strong Island Bike Ride.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Yeah Magazine
Yeah Magazine is a local quarterly theme based magazine. I've got hold of the first issue already and theres some rad stuff in there. Get involved here.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
St. Patricks Day.
An Seisiun are playing at Little Johnny Russels nex Tuesday. They describe themselves as turbo folk with Irish jigs and Scottish reels with an edge. Apparently the last time they played at LJR there was over 200 people dancing on the tables and swinging from the light fittings. Find the link to the facebook group here and get involved.
Between Red.
Friday, 6 March 2009
Tweakerzine V2.
Tweakerzine head Gorm has been working really hard in the last few weeks in getting the new site up and running. Tweakerzine V2 has loads of new articles (tonnes of photos, sequences and videos) as well as lots of new features like the ability to comment on specific articles, post articles to Facebook, Twitter, etc plus a bunch of other stuff. You'll also find a little something that I cooked up in there as well. Click here to take a look.

Friday, 27 February 2009
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Golden Oldey.
Check out this news report about a 71 year old inliner who got arrested for dangerous skating. Some quality quotes in there, he absolutely loves it!
Monday, 23 February 2009
Old Shool.
I remember having a youtube account a while ago and recently came across it again. Amongst other things i found some old skate footage that i thought id put up on here for your perusal. Its good to see the people i used to see again and also to remember how easy things were back then when all we used to do was skate all day! Enjoy.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
The Universe.
I've come to realise the bible was bullshit, a fairytale conjured up to capture the minds of those most gullible. God, Jesus, Mary they're all fictional, nothing more than ideas thought up by some old fella who had done one tab too many. It seems only two people on this planet know the truth about the creation of the universe, i bring to you the story of the universe as told by Sir Thomas Moon and Dr. Elliot Russel.
Save Fairfields.
Legendary skate spot Fairfields, Croydon, is being shut down by the local council. A recognizable spot in many videos and British skateboarding in general as well as home to UK skateboarderPaul Shier, Fairfields needs to be cleaned up and redeveloped to what is once was. Basically, without sounding like anymore of a nancy boy, what im trying to say is just sign the petition.Check out some footage of Fairfields and Shier in Blueprints Lost And Found.
I know i've been incrdibly boring lately, nothing remotely interesting is happening and my head, usually full of thoughts, has become dry like an old ladies personal bits. I have finally got one of those hit counter thingymajigs on here so i can see how many of you are or are not looking at this. Its probably a downfall adding one of these as i can see just how silly i must look talking to the 8 people in the world who have visited this, all of them by accident. Dans got himself a new blog together which can be found here howcouldirefuse. Also if you get yourself over to the 6:57 website you'll find some sick trailers for some international independent skate videos. Have a butchers.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Theres some new links ging up on the side of the page, you should definitely check them out if you've got some spare time on your hands. If you want your link on here just give me a shout,
I've been busy so havnt really had time to write on here, i'm finally working amongst other bits and bobs so talking to invisble faces on the internet has slipped in my list of things to do. To be honest i havn't really got much to say however im sure i can bore you with a few pararagraphs at least. Theres meant to be a trip to Skegness starting tomorrow morning but i think i'll count myself out of that one. As much as i love bro downs, copious amount of nicotine and liquid yeast the 2 days notice means funds are low and people are dropping out like flys. Maybe in the summer ill venture somewhere other than Emsworth but at the moment i need to get my save on and get some fresh garms, I think dirt is the only thing holding my jeans together right now. The 6:57 video is coming along well, keep checking the blog for random snippets of footage at, Curtis aboslutely annihalted us lot in a game of skate yesterday meaning i know his part will be full of tricks i wouldn't even consider trying to learn. Also im still trying to shift tickets for my brother, he's playing at Fernham Hall, Fareham on the 7th March so if you want a ticket get hold of either me or them. This isn't just a normal gig, its for some Live and Unsigned contest so the more the support the merrier. Get involved.
Friday, 6 February 2009
Another Ask.
Another favour to ask im afraid! My brothers band are playing a gig at The Talking Heads in Southampton on the 12th February which is next Thursday for all of you who care. Unfortunately they have to sell a certain amount of tickets to be called back to play again. Like i said before the majority of their support comes in the form of 14 year old girls and boys so getting the money together for a ticket and to be able to get to Southampton and back is a pbit of a problem. Do them a favour and grab yourself a ticket off of either me or through their myspace.
Friday, 30 January 2009
Get Involved.
Bit of a strange request for you now. My brothers in a band and theyre doing pretty well for themselves, some of you may have seen them play, others i know have been to see them but may just remember the inside of a pint glass. Anyhow they got through the regional finals of the Live and Unsigned contest and are playing on 7th March at Fernham Hall, Fareham. They need to sell a minimum of 25 tickets for this gig to be able to play and the aim of this is to see exactly how much support they have. Tickets are 6 quid and as its in Fareham most of their teeny bopper supporters will have spent their money on choccie bars, sherbet and those playing cards you can buy when you go on holiday that have pictures of naked women on them. This means they're struggling to sell as many tickets as possible so im asking you lot for some support. Its a daytime gig and they're only playing 2 songs however there are other bands playing so is not going to be a pointless venture. He assures me that theres a bar so that must be an incentive for some of you. Either ask me for a ticket on Facebook or get one off them through their myspace. Get involved.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
When i first met young Joe Paget we got on really well. An enthusiastic little ripper with whom i had high prospects for the devleopment of both his skateboarding and lifelong future. He never smoked, never drunk and never once saw a vagina. Whilst the thought of this to me and you may seem prosperous it was what kept him pure and almost holy. With his bleached blonde hair catching the sun off his unshapely head on many occasion whislt skateboarding i often thought he was an angel gifted with a plank of wood with 4 wheels rather than wings. It is to my horror that i have now come to learn he is a drug addict. Caught smoking weed in what appears to be a London drug den whilst his peers watched on in disgust. He is said to have sold all 47896658 pairs of his size 4 Nike Sb's, his whole skateboarding dvd archive spanning a total of almost 348732463 dvd's and last week was caught driving his dads Ferrari through a field at 110mph. When stopped by the police and asked what he was doing he simply replied 'Im motherfuckin high bitch'. Our prayers go out to you Joe hopefully so that you can get off the drugs and once again become the inward heelflipping, late shove it, body popping boy that we all loved and cherished. Here is a video of Joe after one too many spliffs, if you see him plese keep your distance. The constant intake of Ganja has APPARENTLY made him smell like piss. More information as i get it.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Monday, 12 January 2009
Thieves Guild.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Sunday, 4 January 2009
The last 3 weeks have been pretty much a blur as for some unbeknown reason everyday seemed like a good day to hit up the pub and go out and party. Whilst i remember little of christmas and new years eve/day i do remember most of the places, people and things we did. I thought id some it up in a weird sentency paragraph thing as writing about each time individually would take an age. This probably won't make any sense but ill give it a go anyway.
The registry - daily local watering hole. Beer and burger. Stella. Cunt. New Years in Guildford. Charlie mateee. Fuck off is the new goodbye. 3 weeks til' your dead mate. Abercrombie and Fitch. Roll me a fag. Drive us here. Are you lot 15? Dickie getting beaten up. Give me a Strongbow or ill pull a knife on you. Do you want some crack? Bumbank. Bridge jump. Wetherspoons at 11 for a Stella on New Years day. Jerri punching Max. Ive got the shakes because i havn't had a drink in 6 hours. Nocturnal. Quail egg pizza and dodo egg ommlette. Im skint. Look at the city its so beautiful. Potato chopping window. Our familes hate us. Ive just coughed up my lung. Max living out the boot of his car for a week. Same clothes. THAT night in the car. Thats it your leaving being heard from most pubs and clubs. When you were in year 7 i was in my first year of college. Fast car. Tramp. Treadmill fun. Got any underwear i can borrow? I havn't brusheed my teeth in 4 days. The Fleet. Max dropping his pint in Walkabout over everyone and everything. Bette Davis Eyes. Do you want a fight? Bringing arms. Floors and sofas. How old are you? Dead battery. Can i use your phone? Massive baked bean. Wheres the girls? High vis jacket - fuck off . Big Dick beating a man down with a dumbell. Tagletelli shoes. 150miles in 2 days. Beans in a bowl with a roll. 10p of petrol = 100miles. Thats bang. Basement party. Jagerbomb. Police saying fuck off you losers. Cityscape pictures. Mortal Kombat. Sticking curry in a girl. This car smells/looks like shit. I don't even know when im drunk or sober anymore. Back to normality.
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