The t-shirt design above, mixed with a dash of WWE, washed down with a hint of Carlsberg helped Darren, Johnny, Ed and myself decide our future careers. Like Buddha when he suddenly reached enlightenment after sitting under that tree for so long we all suddenly felt we had found our callings in life. To start with we're going to become wrestlers. Spandex costumes, big guns and loads of shit tattoos. Don't ask why, this WILL be neccessary for the rest of our lives. After this we plan on forming a boyband, not a big aim i know but we need the collateral for future projects. Using our wrestling skills and natural talent we will capture the hearts of the nation, simply DDTing and Peoples Elbowing anybody who stands in our way. We will also be part time ice cream salesmen, this bears no releavnce to our plan we just think it would be fun. After this, using all of our income so far which will roughly be around £4860 million, we will invent the Squidgy Bubble (TM). More to come soon..
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