Sunday, 28 December 2008
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Worlds Coolest Pet.
The Coconut Crab (Birgus latro) is the largest land-living arthropod in the world. It is a highly apomorphic hermit crab and is known for its ability to crack coconuts with its strong pincers in order to eat the contents. It is also called the robber crab or palm thief, because some Coconut Crabs are rumored to steal shiny items such as pots and silverware from houses and tents.
Now to me these seem like one of the coolest pets to have. Firstly they're scary, any sucka comes near you, POW , you just wack out your coconut crab and they're gone. This could help solve knife crime in many areas as people would simply carry around their coconut crabs instead of blades, get meh? Secondly they can crack coconuts with their pincers. This could come in handy for opening an all manner of things, jam jars, bake bean tins, bank safes. It really does all depend on your chosen profession. They're living can openeners, boltcutters and gullotines all rolled into one really. Finally its been know they like to go on the rob. PERFECT. Forget signing on, need a bit of extra dosh? Send one of these bad boys into town and they'll come back with all manner of gifts for your selling pleasure. They would be extra handy at festivals as Wikipedia ensures me they are able to steal from tents. Value for money if you ask me. These beasts are going to be hotter than Pokemon cards were, coming soon to a pet shop near you in 2009.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Thomas 'The Alcoholic' Jefferies.
I'd like to introduce you to Thomas 'The Alcoholic' Jefferies and a few of his hobbys after one too many turbo shants....
Getting his friends to repeatedly slap and punch him in the face. Dropping his i.d so many times he might as well just chuck it away. Screaming fuck off too everybody who talks to him after reaching his peak of turboshantedness. Trying to obtain high fives from every innocent bystander in a nineties fashion. Smelling me and my washing detergent even more than usual. Getting on it so much his friends have to carry him home. Setting off the alarm whilst entering his own home. Finding the ability to pull anything but a normal face in photographs.
College Dropout.
We all the knew it was going to happen sooner or later but after a year and 3 months i finally dropped out of college. Its not really a big deal like people are making out though to be honest. I'll just go back to college next year, yeah i suppose ive wasted some time but who cares. All it means now is that when the first years turn up on my new course next year, if i don't tell them im a few years older than them, i can just pretend im an old looking 16 year old. This is a strategy that could be used to pick up babes however knowing me they'll probably be some 16 year old boys that will look older than my, then to be, 19 year old self anyway. If that occurs ill simply wear a comedy pair of glasses and moustache, sit at the back of the class and perve. Thats right. Perve.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Good News Bad News.
Not that most of you will care but i recently joined the world of employment for the build up to christmas. This unfortunately means that tomorrow nights record breaking beer tower attempt will have to be postponed! As i will now be working every Saturday night up until christmas it looks like the experiment shall take place on an up and coming Friday. Im sorry to every hopeful record breaker who wanted to be a part of history, your time will come. Ill put up the details soon.
Romper Stompers.
Adam and Jack lay down some heavy romper stompers at Skaterham. Last trick madness.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Pure EVIL.
This is a warning for all people in the Portsmouth area, if you see this girl DO NOT approach at any cost. Whilst she may look cute and innocent, she is the spawn of satan, sent to earth to destroy humanity. Only last night i was brutally abused and violated by her, fuelled on a diet of neat vodka, rage and hatred she attacked me with a series of edible treats. Whilst i survived my brand new, white t-shirt never. Like i said beware, she is PURE EVIL.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
In The Name Of Science.
Right this ones for all of the heavy beer drinkers out there. I am inviting you to take part in a scientific experiment which is to create the largest beer tower ever created in one night. The event will take place at my house this weekend, Saturday December 6th at 7pm, entrance fee is 16+ beers. Whilst i cannot offer payment for taking part in this experiment i can ensure that fun times will be had by all and, as its all in the name of science, theres nothing irresponsible about it. If your up for getting involved and being part of history then sign up today. My house isn't a homeless hostel, i can't fill it to the brim. The plan is to drink all of the beers, make the tower then go out and drink booze in a respectable establishment. Let me know before you creep up or else ill get people to beat you down,big people. Holla.
Career Choices.

Thursday, 27 November 2008
I hadn't got anything filmed in ages so did this just so that i had the right to say i was still a skateboarder. Don't expect no Mike Mo.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008
I sometimes feel like i have too many thoughts going round in my mind wanting too escape, like when you have one pint too many and the next morning its a case of either get to the toilet or shit yourself as that evil pint decides he wants too escape too. Now i've been lucky enough to find a toilet in time but i imagine if i didn't it'd be pretty nasty. I don't even know how thoughts escape when you have too many of them but, on the off chance it would be pretty nasty too, i thought id simply let them escape here.
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